
A selection of articles related to engineering topics of interest. Please add your input in the comments section for the benefit of all.

intersecting painted lines on the road
Linear interpolation in Microsft Excel: =IFERROR( IF( [@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), INDEX(T_Inputs, MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1 ), MATCH([@[data_columns]], VALUE(T_Inputs[#Headers]), 0) ), ( INDEX(T_Inputs, MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis],1), MATCH([@[data_columns]], VALUE(T_Inputs[#Headers]), 0 ) ) * ( IF([@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), INDEX(T_Inputs[x_axis], MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1 ) + 1) ) – [@[x_axis]] ) + IF([@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), […]

Linear Interpolation Using Python – Much simpler than Excel

Written Equation and Graph
Linear interpolation according to Wikipedia is a method of curve fitting using linear polynomials to construct new data points within a discrete set of known points. Or more appropriately defined as getting the value in a numerical table which almost always lies somewhere between known values when you are looking for […]

Linear Interpolation Using Microsoft Excel Tables